Saturday, February 23, 2008

I've Been Tagged

I have been tagged by two wonderfully talented artists Caren McNee and Kathy from Vintage Snaps and Scraps. My task is to reveal 7 things that I'm sure you never needed to know about me!!LOL

Okay, here I go:

1. I earned my Bronze Medallion in swimming but am very nervous about underwater life and can't stand to have even underwater weeds touch my feet while I'm in the water.

2. I attended a Celtic College and learned how to weave, play the bagpipes, say a few Gaelic words and do a little Scottish dancing.

3. Even the thought of cooked celery makes me sick to my stomach.

4. I received the Home Economics award every year in High School and I seriously don't have a domestic bone in my body!

5. I actually enjoy public speaking.

6. I have a serious obsession with pottery.

7. I am endlessly fascinated by birds and live with three of them, a parrotlet and two cockatiels.


Kathy said...

We share the fear of water, well at least you get in it...
The bagpipes fascinate me! beautiful and eerie at the same time to me!

Kaz said...

wow, i'm impressed at the scottish stuff!! how cool. great facts though, i love reading about the people whose art i love. :))

Carrie Hudson Peralta said...

Well we share one thing in have a Cockatiel too! It's actually my daughters that she got about 4 months ago...took her 3 months to name it...poor bird has 3 names...I've called it "Pretty Bird" mom calls it "Chicken Bird" and my daughter name it "Bird" original..huh??? Doesn't talk yet...just whistles...anyways thanks for leaving a nice comment on my blog! ~hugs~

Dogwood Paper Arts said...

Hi Heather,
I see that you were also tagged; I love the items you wrote about. I had to write 7 things about myself as well and found it was hard to do.

I was tagged as well and although I am supposed to pass it along to 7others, I've decided to change things up a bit and have a Tag Party at my blog spot. Gether some friends, I need at least 7 to play.

I've enjoyed reading through your blog. You are always so creative.


Melissa said...

This blows my mind to find out you attended a Celtic college and you know how to play the bagpipes!!!! You multifaceted librarian you!