Have you ever had a piece of music immediately speak to you? bring tears to your eyes? a smile to your face? Songs are so powerful that way. I just borrowed the latest Johnny Reid CD from the library called "A Place Called Love". On it is a song called "Today I'm Gonna Try to Change the World". It made me stop as soon as I heard it and listen closely to the lyrics. It's all about those things we do day to day without thinking about reward or return that do make a difference in others' lives. We may not know this for a while or ever but a smile to someone who is lonely or a kind word to someone who is hurting can indeed change a person's outlook. I was having a very bad day this past week and a colleague stopped by the area where I was working with a piece of warm banana oat bran loaf. It was like a hug to me. Did she know that she had perked me up and made me feel nourished and nurtured? Maybe or maybe not....but she had. Hope you enjoy the song as much as I do.
I too loved it as soon as I heard it. It chokes me up everytime I hear it. Had to go out and buy the CD.
Oh, he had me at the bagpipes! Thank you so much for the recommendation. This CD is on my list for tomorrow.
Thanks for the wonderful music and yes I know the emotions hearing the great songs all over the countrys and times, which can touch the heart.
You've wonderful pages created.Love how you used the collage pieces.
Wish you a Happy Easter.
Hugs Anja
Heather I have not visited your blog for awhile and I am so glad to see your posts this month and.... your art is always so beautiful! Love looking at it . Have a wonderful Easter and I will try to visit your blog more often as it is always inspiring for me.
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